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Becoming Literate in the Process of Awakening presents a practice model that combines synergetic Yogacara Buddhism with the Resolution Sequence, an adaptation of David Grove’s groundbreaking psycho-linguistic Metaphor Therapy. Both Yogacara and the Resolution Sequence teach a means of transformation of consciousness based on accessing and employing intuitive information uncontaminated by interpretation by either the teacher/therapist or their disciple/client. The blended model offers creative means of understanding and fulfilling the process of awakening.
A series of symbols encapsulate Yogacara and the Resolution Sequence, based on Shakyamuni Buddha’s “how to gain Noble Wisdom” teaching of the Lankavatara Sutra. In the Lankavatara Sutra, Buddha explains the steps leading to realization, incorporating Mahayana and Yogacara teachings. Quotations from the sutra are placed in chapter headings and other locations as the guiding concepts for creation of the symbols.
Paperback, 144 pages.