Dokusan with Dogen: Timeless Lessons in Negotiating the Way


Barbara Verkuilen

Dokusan is the private encounter between a Zen master and a student. Dogen was a preeminent Zen Master who lived in 13th century Japan. Dokusan with Dogen is a collection of reflections by a contemporary Zen practitioner on the transformative influence the master had on her life. Each of the ten essays in this collection skillfully employs an aspect of Master Dogen’s teaching to clarify oftentimes-misunderstood tenets of Zen philosophy, such as nonattachment, selflessness, emptiness, and requisites for authentic practice. The wisdom of Master Dogen is blended with modern scientific findings, Zen lore, and contemporary anecdotes to provide a unique formula that entertains as it informs.

Dokusan with Dogen offers a fresh perspective on old themes making it a welcome addition to anyone’s Zen library.

Paperback, 166 pages.